Rock Isn’t Dead
I think one of the most absurd notions that abounds today is the idea that rock is dead. People seem to have this belief that the music of the classic rock era is the only true rock and that we will never see a resurgence of that style of music again. That there will never again be any band anywhere near the levels of Led Zeppelin or Pink Floyd for the rest of time. Rock had its moment in the spotlight and now it will forever be held just out of reach, like a painting in a museum. Something we can look at to remember the good old days but can never recreate. I think, however, that this argument is completely erroneous — if rock is dead, it’s because we killed it.
The golden era of classic rock is agreed to have been from the 60s to the 80s when it seemed that gods of music were walking the earth, blessing humanity with their songs. But rock didn’t die after the 80s, it didn’t fall off the face of the earth. It changed with the times, just as music always has, and branched into different sects like punk, indie, or alternative, among the many others. As new acts emerged, fresh stories were told and unfamiliar voices were heard — but people don’t like change. We want stability and safety, something that new artists weren’t providing to staunch classic rock supporters. It wasn’t new artists that killed rock, however — it was comparison.
As alternative rock bands emerged, and continue to emerge, they often find it extremely difficult to be successful because of comparison. They are constantly being held to the standard of the golden age of classic rock, expected to compete with the greats right from the get-go. If they sound nothing like their predecessors, they’re shut down and ignored. If they do sound like their predecessors… they’re shut down and ignored. One obvious instance of this that comes to mind is the case of Greta Van Fleet. Greta Van Fleet released their first studio EP in 2017 and critics and rock fans alike immediately slammed them for sounding reminiscent of Led Zeppelin. While I can understand the comparison, I cannot understand the outrage. They are hated for sounding a bit like one of the most successful bands of all time. The lead singer is constantly told he is doing a Robert Plant impression. I love Robert Plant, absolutely adore him, but he does not own a style of singing (and has stated that he enjoys GVF). And yet, if Greta Van Fleet had an entirely new sound, sounded nothing like the bands of old, they still would not escape comparison. What’s more important than who they sound like is what they are doing — they are reviving the rock genre and bringing classic rock back into pop culture. They are providing an outlet into classic rock to an entire new generation, and that’s amazing.
It is no wonder that rock is thought to be dead if, at the moment any new rock band emerges, they are beaten down and expected to uphold the standards of music made sixty years ago. If we want to revive rock, to once again bask in its glory, we must cease the comparisons. We have to give these new artists the chance to shine before immediately holding them to a completely unattainable standard. No, there will never be another band like The Beatles or Led Zeppelin or The Rolling Stones — but there could be so many more bands that are just as great in their own right if they would simply be given a chance.